Adhd Alternative Treatment Adults
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioral disorder diagnosed in roughly 10 percent of school-aged children and adolescents. Children may have difficulty paying attention and completing tasks, and can show excessive signs of hyperactivity, impulsiveness, or some combination of these behaviors. ADHD can lead to difficulties in school, work and home life.
Whether for children or adults, the treatment of ADD should be comprehensive and include a wide range of possible interventions, certainly more than medication or some other single step. Assistance should also be provided over the long-term, as ADD generally does not go away. The person being treated may not need to go see the doctor very often, but he should always know that help is just one telephone call away.
Strattera is in a class of medications called norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Atomoxetine, unlike stimulants, may take several weeks for the full effect to be seen, but also has a low abuse potential. Atomoxetine might be an option for teens or college students when there is a concern about stimulant abuse or diversion ; if there is an accompanying tic disorder, or if significant anxiety is present.
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